International Renewable
Energy Certificates (I-RECs):
International Renewable Energy Certificate (I-RECs) Standard is a global certification standard for renewable energy certificates. These certificates serve as a way to demonstrate and document the environmental benefits associated with renewable energy generation and can be traded and used by organizations to support their sustainability goals. I-RECs are issued and managed by independent certification bodies and organizations in various countries. These certification bodies adhere to the I-RECs standard guidelines and protocols to ensure accurate tracking and verification of renewable energy generation.
IRECs can be bought or sold on renewable energy markets. This trading system enables organizations to financially support renewable energy projects in another location while benefiting from environmental attributes of the same.
HEXA with its strong global sourcing network provides I-REC solutions to Industrial and Commercial consumers to meet their sustainability goals.

- One I-REC= 1 MWh of electricity produced by a renewable energy source
- Hexa’s Global Sourcing Network
- International Recognition
- Freedom to choose your Source: locally & internationally
- Transparency and Trackability
- Meet your sustainability goals